The Alchemy Way

Bid Writing and Management

Tender Alchemy is a Bid and Tender consultancy, providing bid writing and bid management services to support you in winning new business, and retaining existing contracts. We have supported clients across multiple sectors, including healthcare, social care, technology, communications, facilities management, and many others. Our flexible approach ensures, that regardless of the sector, you get the service you need to improve your chances of success. 

Tender Alchemy provides Bid Writing and Bid Management services through the Alchemy Way - our methodical process to get you a high-quality bid with the best chance of winning:

  • Bid Strategy and Kick-Off - including the development of win themes and differentiators

  • Information gathering - working with your SMEs to get all the information required to answer the questions

  • Draft one - developing a technically compliant response

  • Draft two - adding in win themes and added value

  • Draft three - final polish and sign-off.

The Alchemy Way relies on close communication across the whole process, working closely with you to get the required information, reviews, and sign-off to ensure a successful bid.

Alchemy Write

We provide bid writing services through our Alchemy Write approach, with each answer and sub-section requiring the following:

  • What you will do

  • How you will do it

  • The benefit to the end client/service user of what you will do

  • Experience, examples and evidence of how you have done this before.

Added to the above is the weaving in of win themes and USPs developed specifically for the bid.


We provide two main options for the Alchemy Way, as well as further flexible options:

Option One - End-to-End Solution

Bid Writing and Management

For large-scale and/or complex bids, we recommend our end-to-end solution. This provides you with a Bid Manager and a Bid Writer, taking care of the whole process. The Bid Manager will do all of the project management, organising meetings, liaising with SMEs. bid strategy development, and provide an independent point of review for drafts. They will ensure the Bid Writer can concentrate on what they are best at - producing high-scoring and winning content.

Option Two - Bid Writer

For smaller projects and/or where you have someone in your organisation who can take on the role of a Bid Manager, we provide one of our expert Bid Writers. They will work closely with you on all aspects of bid production, including liaising with SMEs.

Flexible Options

We can also provide flexible and hybrid options to suit your needs and budget. This includes:

  • Bid Manager only

  • Bid Writer for specific questions/sections

  • Multiple Bid Writers for very large and/or short turnaround bids.

For further details or to discuss your exact requirements, please contact us using the details below.

Contact us today to find out more.


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